Friday, October 11, 2013

Hope for Hollywood?

Hi my name is Cristina and I'm a gleek.  Actually I am a daughter of Christ who, with some embarrassment, will admit that she likes Glee.  Last night I watched the tribute to Cory Monteith and his character, Finn.  It was really well done...I cried.  For some reason , though, I have been in a funk since I finished it.  I think I am starting to understand why.  I was just putting away laundry (yes, I said "putting away" all things ARE possible through Christ!) and I started to think about how sad it was that the cast and crew were "celebrating" Cory's life and that of his character, but if they were believers they could also be celebrating his DEATH! Because of Jesus, we don't have to fear death, but look forward to it.  On of the characters was looking at the plaque below a memorial tree for Finn and noted how short the line us between death and life.  It is, but in Christ, there is a never ending line beyond that "end date".

So then I got to thinking..." Does anyone on that show, or in Hollywood for that matter, have a believer showing them God's love?"  Who's praying for them?  I mean, on their knees intercession?  I know I'm not.  Shoot, I haven't even hit my knees for my own family lately.  I know Christ died for everyone!  I think as a body of believers we had written off Hollywood as too sinful, unworthy of our love and prayers.  I am not saying we should all pack up and move to Cali, but maybe we could pray. Can you imagine what woul happen if Tinsel Town's elite fell in love with Jesus?  I am not saying they should all defect and make b grade cheese or move to Cambodia as missionaries.  What if they stayed in Hollywood and showed the world what Jesus can do to a heart sold out for Him?  Can you join me in prayer for those people whose faces fill or TV and Movie screens?  I don't why God has laid his on my heart, but I am excited to see what comes next!