Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Laundry Wars

Oh laundry how I loath thee!  If I didn't have some serious moral and body image issues with it, I would consider becoming a nudist!  For me laundry is like a level on a video game that you can never finish.  You finally make some progress and whammo! You are back where you started!  Argggh!!!

"What's so challenging about laundry?" you ask.  You wash, dry, fold and put away.  Easy. Tedious yes, but still easy.  Well, you don't live in the land of mismatched socks.  Here we have several enemies.  They are disorganization, clutter, and an over abundance of stuff!  Washing and drying, no problem!  Folding...not too awful.  Putting away?  Oy vey!  First, I have a ton of clean laundry waiting to put way , which is overwhelming in itself.  Add to that the fact that closets and drawers are a mess.  Well, I start to spiral out.  I think" I need to organize all of this before I add anything new." Then, " In order to effectively organize I need to get all of the dirty laundry out".  Finally, " the laundry room is a mess.  I need to clean it out before I put anything else in".  The end result...nothing gets done!  The clean laundry stays in baskets, dirty laundry runs amok and the laundry room, dressers and closets remain in a state of disaster.

Before you say anything....yes,  I know I have ADD.  Also, I know we have too many clothes.  I keep going to get rid of stuff, but think "I should sell it", but really, a yard sale will just derail me even further.  So I have goodwill it will go!

Please tell me I am not the only one for whom this is an issue!  If you struggle with the evil forces of the laundry kingdom, please share your battle strategy!  Let me know if you have achieved victory.

Until next time...I am off to do battle!



  1. oh my goodness, i swear you read my mind today! i was just going to journal about the evils of laundry & how i hate it so. and how i would totally become a nudist if i was skinny & subject my kids to the choice of wear the same clothes for 3 days or go naked til all the laundry is clean!!! lol

  2. Seriously! If I could live in a tropical climate I would sleep in a hammock and only have towels to clean!

  3. I struggle with this too....I think the main problem is that we just own way too much stuff! It is a constant battle....It can help when the kids get a little bigger--Emma does most of the laundry in our least the washing and drying...not so much on the folding. We pretty much live out of baskets!
